viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Just to let you know...

I am working as an English teacher for is a great experience to share with them 3 hours per week so I try to take advantage of time and do a lot of things with them.

With the arrival of Spring we have started reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar tale by Eric Carle.

Next week we are going to start preparing our show for the end of the school year and I am thinking of a performance of this tale as they are enjoying a lot with it.

4 comentarios:

  1. This book is beautiful. I like it!!! I wait for your show!!

  2. Hello Mirian Andreu.
    I really love this story about “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. In my own opinion it´s a very high quality material to work with children; significant vocabulary (name of fruits, numbers…), simple grammatical structures, feelings, values…. A nice opportunity to be in touch with them by reading, telling stories, showing pictures… I´ve found a very interesting video that I would like to share with you:
    Sometimes working and studying I feel like the very hungry caterpillar, eating and eating information even suffering stomach-ache. I wish that in future we all became butterflies. I wish!

  3. Good job!!! Your blog offers us a variety of activities to do in class.

  4. Hello Miriam,

    I really liked your blog. I love the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar book too. I think it is great book to practice vocabulary and at the same time the children are enjoying the story.It's a pleasure to read!!

    Best Regards.

    Ester Fernández
